Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Geng - Upin & Ipin

Cinema : GSC Mid Valley
Date : 21 Feb 09
Time : 3pm
Partner : Adinda

Nice animation movie, it is Malaysian made. Cool!!
Story line take place in kampong area, musim durian.
2 young man from town balik kampong to enjoy the durian.
Di kampung already kecoh with 'hantu durian' sebab even byk durian gugur, to byk jugak yg dah dimakan. So, the misteri behind it was 'who eat them?'.

Ipin & Upin plus Rajoo also terlibat with the advanture. Tak ketinggalan Kak Ros yang cantik. Haha.
How they got involve? Rajoo disuruh oleh atuk untuk tunjuk jalan ke dusun. Ipin dan Upin always watak kanak2 hyper yang sebok je nak follow atau nak tahu. Kak Ros is the twin's protector, so she got involve when she tried to bring them back.

OK. First in the jungle, bila diorang nak ambik durian, diorang jumpa this small cute creature yang curi the durian. What creature? It doesn't exist in real world. Haha.
Bila diroang dok kejar binatang tu, Ipin Upin Rajoo berjaya tangkap. And memandangkan Rajoo boleh ckp dgn haiwan, so nama creature tu Opeet.

So they all thought the creature was the hantu. Misteri solved! Actually not, because just after that ada huge scary creature, mcm rangka lembu boleh berjalan, muncul. So that is the hantu. Another advanture started when they are being chased by the hantu, plus they had to face some freaky insect plus a mad snake in a cave. Haha.

Then we found out that the creature came from another dimension, where the gate to it was in the cave. And the hantu was some greedy Pak Mail and co (Including Sally bapok). At the end, Pak Mail and Singh termasuk dalam dimensi purple tu, dan menikmati kehidupan di sana. Haha.

Opeetjumpa balik dgn mak dia. Everyone unite back. Some sengal part came out at the end of the movie also.

Urmmm... That's it!!
A must watch movie!!

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