Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First interview story

Lama gile tak update blog. Last update mlm before first day intern. Konon nak update xtvt masa intern. Tp bes sgt sampai xd masa. So, lupakan jelah yg dah berlalu tu dulu buat masa ni.

Nk cite pasal interview kerja.
Aku convo 24 April aritu.

Balik KL 26. Report duty dgn pet. Balik ganu. Dok Ganu seminggu, balik KL balik for interviewSSSSS....

1st: Isnin 10May Msjd Jamek with OCBC, post sales executive. OK-OK la. Happy2...gelak2...dpt feel utk interview je.. tp basic menarik, 3000.

2nd: Selasa 11 May Shah Alam Foxboro. Sesat sampai 2 kali...dgn terlajak lg. fuh. venture. Interview was a disaster at beginning, turn out my way at the end. chances 50-50. position, from project engineer switched to technical sales engineer. fresh grad 2500.

3rd: rabu 12 May Klang Juru Rubcoil. Ape coil? Haha. office hampeh. Bos bajet bagus. gaji 1600 utk chem engr nye position. apekah. mcm la aku nk sgt. haha. kerek kan?

done for the first week.

ahad pergi jobfair kt PWTC. bawak 31 copies of resume. Balik, tggal 5 je. haha. Byk jugak aku sental.
Interesting stories:
1-speedminer - bila aku ckp aku chem engr background, dia ckp asal engineering bole try. Buat test, PASS, dpt goody (manU thing), then offered for 2nd interview. next week.
2-berjaya college university - bila aku approach, Ms Gigi mcm nk layan borak. Pastu dia tanya aku suka buat event, seeing people and bla3....dia mintak resume. position, promoter college, buat event like roadtour and such to intro the college. mcm interesting je keje ni. anything lah.

internet stories:
dpt few offer for interview, kat pasir gudang la hape la...since malas nk travel for uncertain thing, refuse the interviews.

4th: isnin 17may 10am Menara weld jalan raja chulan with ejensi cari keje Ranstadt. Position customer service. Interviewer tgk aku nye resume chem engr, dia kua cari kawan, then come back ckp dia akan panggil blk bila ada position engineer. tata. haha.

before gerak g shah alam, dpt call, speedminer tu nk interview, damansara, rabu.

5th:isnin 17may 430pm shah alam. Goodyear. Good to hear. position customer service. SUCCESS. mcm confirm dpt. tp gaji xtau.

balik. otw pegi td kena ujan sket tp x basah by the time sampai, balik, sembunyi kt midval dulu. ujan woo...

bgn pagi, ada call dr goodyear. start this monday. 8am. gaji 1500...hmmm...

6th:selasa 18may 230pm lrt tmn bahagia. agent keje gak, CrestForce. she hesitate nk bg post customer service bcos of my background. tp aku buat2 confiden mcm nk sgt, dia bg gak. dgn Jetstar woo....esok interview dgn jetstar. pg.

7th: rabu 19may. 9am. PJ. decide x pergi. malas dh dgn customer service position ni. walau pun this one offer gaji 1800, naik 2000 after 2months. i hope this is a right decision.

online. got call from Nalco. Application engineer. base Port Dickson. gaji mcm x sampai 2500. phone interview, I consider a SUCCESS too. mcm confirm dpt jugak.... hopefully dia bg jawapan cpt. aku tgh pening nk consider nk accept yg goodyear tu ke x.. this is 8th interview then.

9th: rabu 19may, damansara. 2pm. programmer. hesper. decide x pergi jugak. i think enough is enough. i know i can simply get this one also. but, until when kan? so....focus!! haha.

so....tu la dia...ada lagi interview, such as dr intelek agency yg aku x pergi....yg aku tolak pun a few gak. lupa lah...
hopefully by 13th interview, I get one lucky strike lah. haha.

may I update more soon. :)

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