Monday, April 2, 2018

Pairing KERETA dan ASB Financing


beli kereta 100k, bulanan RM1080
(calculation, 9Y 3.5% interest, 0 DP)

buat cara biasa:
lepas 9 tahun, kereta habis bayar, harga kereta RM40k.

cara saya rekemen:
buat asbF 200k. bulanan 1080. teknik rolling.
lepas setahun, beli kereta tersebut (same mcm sample di atas)..
lepas 9tahun kereta habis bayar:
value kereta : RM40k
value dalam ASB: RM56649*
* 32649 (surrender value) + 14000 (last dividen;assume 7%) + (additional 10k or more lebihan dividen yg tak rolling)

total : RM96649 - boleh beli kereta yg sama bayar cash (topup duit lain lagi 4k)

ape yg saya nak cerita kat sini...
awak bayar 1080 selama 9tahun, ada besi kebanggaan 40k (anggaran kasar sahaja)..
awak bayar 1080 selama 10tahun (syarat sabar 1tahun pertama), ada besi dan CASH lagi...
lepas la nak rolling main besi seround lagi....

by Tompoq Tom CWA 0135777260

ASB loan rolling 5 tahun ENJOY

Kali ni saya nak kongsi cara simpan dan enjoy (sikit2) dengan ASB financing...

ASB-f 200k.
monthly : 1080 (at 5.05 rate, 30years, NO takaful)
setahun : 12960 (MODAL)

ASSUME dividen 7%:
year1 : dividen RM14000, 12960 utk rolling, 1040 utk enjoy
year2 : dividen RM14000, 12960 utk rolling, 1040 utk enjoy
year3 : dividen RM14000, 12960 utk rolling, 1040 utk enjoy
year4 : dividen RM14000, 12960 utk rolling, 1040 utk enjoy
year5 : dividen RM14000, TERMINATE.

ape anda dapat lepas terminate?
1- dividen terakhir RM14000.
2- surrender value RM12635.
* cash di hujung cerita : RM26635

jangan lupa,
3- total cash dah enjoy RM4160

modal : 12960.
total DAPAT 5tahun : 30795
'untung' : 17835
average return annually : 17835/12960 bahagi 5 = 27.5% setahun

harap2 explanation saya ni mudah difahami.

camne nak kira suurender value tu?
sebenarnya tak penting langsung kalau anda faham ROI anda adalah 27.5%*..
tapi kalo nk kira jugak, saya boleh tunjukkan basi, nantikan post berikutnya...

* merujuk rekod dividen ASB selama ini yg hanya sekali  <7 br=""> 
<7 br="">-estimation/rounding off dibuat dlm calcultion utk simplify figure
<7 br="">-assume first payment is 1Jan(1st year), dan termination selepas 1Jan(6th year)

by: Tompoq Tom CWA. 0135777260.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Pesanan Kewangan buat Fresh Grad

- Penyebab anda menyewa sampai bila-ii..

Rata-rata fresh graduate, cukup ja 3bulan kerja.. terus angkat kereta, yang ansuran bulanan lebih kurang RM800-1000.. padahal gaji hanya RM2500

Bila dah angkat kereta ansuran bulanan yang mahal, tipis dah nak beli rumah. Sbb pengiraan DSR dah kacau banyak. Kena lah settle, bayar kereta utk 9tahun dlu.. kalau umur sekarang 25, cukup 9tahun dah jadi 34tahun dah...

Contoh la gaji dah naik kepada RM3200 sebulan, nak beli rumah low cost dah tak boleh, sebab syarat low cost 3000 kebawah gaji..

Time tu, insurance pun dah jadi mahal.. Tempoh pembiayaan dah jadi pendek, menyebabkan ansuran bulanan jadi tinggi.

Nak beli rumah medium cost, dah mahal gila dah.. So, jangan la buat kesilapan yg sering dilakukan oleh anak muda sekarang..

Notes :
Nak pakai kereta boleh, pastikan ansuran bulanan, yg rendah... Ukur baju di badan sendri .
Jangan ikut nafsu..


Kalau angkat rumah dahulu, nak angkat kereta, senang ja nk lulus loan.. kita boleh kepilkan sekali tenancy aggrement, supaya bank dapat pandang rumah kita sebagai income bulan2.

kalau angkat kereta dulu? nak kepilkan dokumen apa? beli kereta tak salah. yg salahnya beli kereta, ansuran bulanan mahal.. sampaikan ansuran bulanan dah 50-60% dari gaji..


Sementara nak kumpul modal untuk deposit rumah tu, buat lah ASB Financing.  Supaya anda boleh kumpulkan modal dengan cepat.. At least anda dah buat komitmen dekat bank, dan sesetengah bank pandang ASB Financing ni, as a income, bila dah lebih dari setahun..

Nak beli rumah, tapi komitmen kat bank, belum ada apa2 komitmen.. Bank akan reject appplication utk beli rumah, sebab bank tak nampak sejarah pembayaran anda macam mana dekat bank..

So, pokok pangkalnya, uruslah kewangan anda dengan bijak !! Sekian dari saya

Credit toπŸ‘‡πŸ»
Rahimi Mustafa

Friday, March 3, 2017

Orang Muda dapat BR1M Walaupun Tak Layak

Untung la remaja2 skrg sebab kerajaan akan bagi RM1,000 seorang.

Dalam pembentangan #Bajet2017, PM mengumumkan akan memberi insentif rm1,000 seorang bagi remaja2 yang berumur 20 hingga 30 tahun.

Tujuan ini bagi menggalakkan golongan remaja menyimpan untuk masa depan.

Syarat untuk mendapat rm1000 ni ialah remaja mesti meyimpan rm1k ke dalam Private Retirement Scheme (PRS). Simpan duit sendiri 1k, kerajaan akan topup bagi 1k lagi. Total jadi 2k. Dan simpanan ini tidak bole dikeluarkan sehingga umur 55thn. Sekiranya anda mampu menyimpan sebyk RM200 sblm selama 30thn, tabungan anda akan mencecah RM1.4juta.

PRS ni macam kwsp, simpanan persaraan. Ibarat acc ke2 EPF. Duit 2k tu akan beranak pinak sebab dapat dividen dan masa pencen baru boleh keluarkan.

Inilah masanya remaja nak dptkan reward duit bajet kerajaan, tapi untuk rakyat yang belum berumur 31 sahaja ya.

Contoh, umur 30 tahun 8bulan masih layak untuk dapat 1k free tu. Sebab belum masuk 31. Umur ikut tarikh lahir,  bukan ikut tahun.

Cara nak apply ialah datang isi borang dgn saya  (consultant berdaftar dgn CIMB) .. boleh hubungi 0135777260, Taufiq..

Kalau ada saudara mara, adik, sepupu, atau anak yang berumur 20 - 31tahun sila maklumkan peluang ni ye. Rugi kalau terlepas, bajet yang diperuntukan ialah rm165 juta sahaja, siapa cepat dia dapat.

Sila share post ni supaya ramai dapat manfaat. TQ

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Build Life, Not Resume

"once you enter the corporate world its like being a hamster on the wheel and your speed is determined by the speed of the wheel and not your own choice...
Priya Sachdev, 2016

Been a reaaaalllllllyyyy looong while since I last made a time to write here.
There are lots, tonnes, millions of ideas & lines & topics stream through my mind everyday while driving or doing anything, but never really got to sit in front of this keyboard and knock the letters I should.

Well.. 2016 on its edge. While already been looking forward for 2017 since past few days, it is always good to start (DO) now.

This article below is coming from one of my reading source:

Easier said then done because once you enter the corporate world its like being a hamster on the wheel and your speed is determined by the speed of the wheel and not your own choice! Something we all know, yet we love to blame it to the world around us. Performance pressure, pressure to get promoted every year, to get increments, to achieve your incentives, qualify to get rewards and recognition. All these so called motivators are focused on moving up the so called corporate ladder but what about the dilemma of work life balance? The ability to choose what to do, when to do and how much to do. How are we ever going to balance this?
Many feel that the only way to achieve this is to work very hard for few years of your life and then retire to a life style of choice. While this could be a good strategy, many never survive to get to the point of retirement and the ones who do get so bored because they got used to working hard, that their retirement activities put more pressure on them than what work did! Some work hard and then take a sabbatical to renew themselves and go back later and then find when they go back that they are competing for their jobs with younger contenders.
So what is the easy answer? Wish I had it because this may be the million dollar question of our times. However, if I look around some happy and successful people I see their focus was not to build a resume though incidentally that did happen as well. Their focus was to find something in life that makes them happy, makes them jump out of bed every morning and makes them dance and celebrate every small success.
I remember Steve Jobs address at Stanford specially the part where he says, “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. This could be about building a life because this question is more powerful than will I get my incentive this quarter?
Some of you reading this may feel, its easy to think like this when you are Steve Jobs and while I do agree to that I am sure it is this question that made him Steve Jobs.
Let me share insights from my dear friend and a personal hero Navin Gulia who once told me that he believes disability is never in the body but in the mind, because if you decide you can, you can achieve anything. And he is living proof of this ideology because being on the wheel chair has not stopped him from traveling the world or scaling the peaks driving himself in his own customized car. He has build his life and his own brand working with the ones who need him the most. Corporations and institutions invite him to talk to their people about motivation and that by the way is a good resume too!
As another year comes to an end let’s invest in some of these thoughts for ourselves. Let’s all build a life and make this world worth living.

Well. This is one good & direct point to ponder, that I feel everyone should consider. I will try to put more times elaborating this condition in longer post, covering more perspective in more details. About LIFE. About what we forgot. About how LOST we have been.

Till next post. Get a life.